Front End Developer / Bootstrap

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Services That I Provide

Front End Developement

I develop Responsive Website, which are support wide range Device (Large screen Desktop , Laptop, Table, Phone)

what technology I use?

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, React.

Logo Design

Create beautiful Logo for Companys Youtube channels, Website, Instagram (or any social media) based on Target Audience

what technology I use?

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Krita.

Web Designing

for best User Interface, make Beautiful landing page for user and custom design for bootstrap.

what technology I use?


< WORK >

My Recent Projects

Netflix Clone

Netflix Leading page clone with trailer of Movies .

Modern Industry's Landing Page

Highly Responsive Website, support wide range of Brower support (compile by SCSS ) having smooth Scrolling Animation. There I learnt how to animation add in Element without lossing component overflow.

Ecommerce Landing Page

Simple but Interactive User Interface for Ecommerce Website, where sells man's cloths for Client Satisfaction

iCoder landing page

this Website build on Boostrap 5 for coding learning where I Learning using Boostrap , make new Website less in Hours when making Custom Components It's more Easy.


Interested in working together? Let's talk

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